Go Green!
Believe it or not, babies start their teething process around their second month of life. Right about that time you may notice your baby rub her / his gums (fist in the mouth) and you may see them form saliva bubbles as well.
The actual teeth usually appear at 6-7 months of age for girls and 7-8 months for boys; however, every child is different, and the timing varies widely. Some babies may cut their first tooth as early as 2-4 months, while others may do so as late as 15 months of age.
The two bottom front teeth (lower central incisors) are usually the first to appear, followed by the two top front teeth (upper central incisors) but even this is not a rule.
Classic signs and symptoms of teething are: drooling, chewing on solid objects, irritability or crankiness, sore or tender gums, lower grade fever (less than 101), and mushier stool due to the drool ingestion.
Drooling, crankiness, and tears can make teething an ordeal for both parents and babies. Here are my suggestions for easing the pain of teething and calming down your little one:
Cooling washcloth
Rub your baby’s gums with a cool, moistened, and clean washcloth. The gentle pressure and cold sensation can ease your baby’s discomfort. I am not a big fan of teething rings as they can be too hard on the gums and may contain BPA particles. Surprisingly, many babies prefer a simple washcloth over teething rings and fancy gadgets!
For added relief, you can moisten the washcloth and leave it in the fridge to chill before using. The cold sensation will further soothe your baby’s aching gums.
While sucking may aggravate teething pain for some babies (sometimes leading to a nursing strike), others may want to nurse more often for the sheer comfort of it. Breast milk contains endorphins which are natural and powerful painkillers.
Teething does not have to mark the end of breastfeeding. If your baby seems tempted to bite during nursing, you can try gently rubbing a clean finger over her gums before beginning the nursing session. This may help soothe her gums and reduce the likelihood of biting. Remember to end the nursing session once your baby seems full but not yet bored.
Homeopathic remedies
Camilia is a homeopathic medicine made by Boiron that is specifically designed to help calm babies. As a homeopathic remedy, it does not contain any active ingredients in the traditional sense, making it safe to use at any time without the risk of overdose.
Containing only chamomile dilution, it makes it safe and superior to any other over the counter teething tablets or gels.
Essential oils
Essential oils such as Roman Chamomile and Lavender have become increasingly popular for their calming properties during teething. Make sure you do not apply them directly to your child’s skin since they are very potent and may irritate the skin.
Recipe: mix 1 drop of each oil in 2 Tbsp of coconut oil and rub a small amount on the outer side of the cheek along the gum line.
Baltic amber teething necklace
Its mechanism is not known for sure, but I will tell you in my experience with teething patients – they just work, for majority of the kids. Here is the link for the necklace
Baltic amber is believed to emit soothing energy and has been thought to absorb negative energy, which in turn may support the body’s natural healing abilities (similar to the principles of homeopathy). Additionally, wearing Baltic amber is said to have a calming effect on the nerves.
During my research, I also discovered that when Baltic amber beads are worn against a baby’s skin, the body heat may stimulate the release of a small amount of oil. This oil contains succinic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body and has an analgesic effect. This can be helpful in soothing swollen and sore gums in babies.
Be on top of the drool: Excessive drooling is part of the teething process, and to prevent skin irritation from it, keep a clean cloth handy to dry your baby’s chin.
Consider applying a moisturizer such as a water-based natural cream or lotion. Check this website for the updated cosmetics database.
I do not recommend using commercial liquid pain reducers (Acetaminophen/ Ibuprofen) for teething.