Go Green!
For Modern Supermoms & Superdads
Starting from 6 months and up, your baby can enjoy all the goodies offered by mother nature (beautiful veggies, fruits, seeds and herbs). Jars and pre packaged foods are convenient and sometimes necessary, however food made from scratch with love and positive energy cannot compare to the store bought one.
Baby food is very easy and quick to make, and knowledge of the exact ingredients empowers you to take control over your kid’s meals, which will directly improve their health, brain, and immune system development.
So, if you are looking for ways to improve your baby’s diet and elevate plain baby food to the next, more nutritious level, here is our suggestion with full recipes below.
Keep in mind that the ONLY thing your child should not have before the age 1 is HONEY – due to the risk of botulism.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Breakfast |
Amazing guacamole cereal | Quinoa and date pudding | Good morning smoothies | Raw puree good digestion | Pear – ginger pudding ready to go | Iron juice | Goog morning cereal |
Lunch |
Popeyes guacamole | Tropical avocado salad | Natural veggie stock | Easy and delicious puree | Vegetarian cheese | Juice pulp cookies | Baby Protein balls |
Dinner |
Delicious lentil soup | Cauliflower hamburger | Quick and easy protein food | Cauliflower soup with vegan cheese vegetarian | Broccoli goat cheese muffins | Beet and Purple Sweet potatoe | Butter nut squash |
Snack |
Carrot pure | Baby golden milk | Powerful green milk | Delicious sweet juice | Sesame milk | Juice with no juicer | Coconut milk |
Monday Recipes
Amazing Guacamole Cereal
1/4 cup (2oz) cooked millet
1/2 small avocado
3 tablespoons of your baby’s usual milk (optional)
Mash the avocado with the cooked millet. Add milk as needed to thin the mix.
Do you know this about avocados?
Avocados are full of folate and monounsaturated fats – good for a healthy heart and cell reproduction – and vitamin E, which is beneficial to the skin, the heart, and baby’s muscles.
Do you know this about millet?
Millet is particularly high in phosphorus, which is good for bone health. Additionally, it is an excellent source of vitamin B, amino acids, fiber, iron, and minerals, making it an easily digested alternative to rice.
Popeyes Guacamole
1/2 small avocado
1/2 small banana
1/2 teaspoon of spirulina or 1/2 teaspoon of chlorella.
2 teaspoons of goat kefir or coconut yogurt (vegan option)
Smash avocado and banana together with a fork. While doing this add spirulina and kefir and mix it all together. Adjust to taste.
Did you know spirulina is a complete protein for your baby that is very rich in iron?
Did you know that kefir is an excellent source of probiotics that are very essential for your baby?
Did you know this about chlorella?
It is packed with nutrients very similar to spirulina. Its principal function is to stimulate and strengthen your immune system. It is recommended after your child’s vaccinations due to its effectiveness in heavy metal detoxification.
Delicious Lentil Soup
1/3 cup of lentil, activated (soaked)
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 chopped carrot ( if organic no need to peel, otherwise do so)
1 medium red potato (organic preferably)
1/2 cup of chopped mushrooms
1/4 of an onion
1 clove garlic
1 tomato
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp bay leaf
3 Tbsp fresh cilantro
1/4 avocado to serve
Activate the lentils by soaking them overnight or at least 6hrs.
Drain lentils and boil x 15 min ( in a pot with 1 cup of water )
In another pot place the tomato, clove garlic, onion, spices and 1 cup of water and boil x 5 minutes. ( this makes natural veggie stock)
Once the veggie stock has boiled , let it cool down then blend it in a blender.
Add blended stock to your pot with lentils, then add chopped carrots. Let it all boil together for another 10 minutes.
Once it’s all done just smash with a fork and add fresh avocado.
Did you know this about lentils?
Lentils are the part of the legume family, rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B, and folate.
Carrot Puree
3 carrots
2 dates
1 teaspoon of ground Chia seeds
Steam the carrots and dates together.
Once soft, smash the carrots and dates with a fork.
Add ground chia seeds and serve.
Did you know that dates are very beneficial to support baby’s digestive system?
Did you know that chia seeds are an excellent source of calcium, fiber, and protein for your baby?
They are also rich in good fats (omega 3), which are essential for your baby’s brain development.
Tuesday Recipes
Quinoa Date Pudding
5 Tbsp ground quinoa
1 cup oatmeal milk (or milk of your choice)
1 tsp coconut oil
2 dates
2 tsp tahini butter or almond butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
Boil quinoa, coconut oil, dates, cinnamon, and oatmeal milk all together for five minutes. Remove from heat and stir in tahini. Cool it down, then blend all in a blender or food processor and serve.
Did you know this about almond butter?
Almond butter is a valuable addition to your child’s diet, providing essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and calcium, which are necessary for optimal child development and weight gain. Additionally, it contributes to the strength of developing muscles.
Did you know this about Tahini?
Tahini is a paste made from sesame seeds and is highly rich in methionine, which supports liver detoxification. Additionally, it is a good source of vitamin B and calcium.
Tropical Avocado Salad
1/2 an avocado
1/2 mango
1 organic egg yolk or 2 tsp of sardines
2 Tbsp goat yogurt or coconut yogurt
Place all ingredients in a bowl.
Mix them all together and press down with a fork to mush up. That is it! Easy and ready to make your baby’s muscles grow.
Did you know sardines and salmon are cold water fish and excellent omega 3 fatty acid food sources? (purchase BPA – free when possible)
Cauliflower Hamburger
1 cup cauliflower
1 carrot
4 Tbsp ground quinoa
4 Tbsp ground amaranth
2 Tbsp parsley finely chopped
2 tsp of avocado oil pinch of sea salt to taste
Blend cauliflower and carrots in a food processor. Add quinoa, amaranth, parsley, avocado oil (pinch of sea salt optional), and process until all ingredients blended.
Now get creative and make your own hamburger shapes and sizes. Place on a baking tray and bake in the oven at 300 F for 20-30 minutes.
These nutritious treats are freezer-friendly, allowing you to prepare a batch and store them for future use. When needed, simply defrost and serve them mushed up on a plate or chopped into small, finger-feeding pieces. With this convenient option, you can have a ready-to-go, healthy snack for your little one at any time.
Did you know this about Amaranth?
Along with quinoa, amaranth is one of a few plant foods which contains all the essential amino acids in perfect balance, making it a valuable source of high quality protein as well as great grain substitute for gluten free eating.
‘Baby Golden Milk
1 date
1/2 cup cooked sweet potato
1/2 tsp almond butter
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup coconut milk (or your milk of choice)
1/2 tsp coconut oil
small pinch of black pepper
Warm up your milk option on the stove until it’s warm. Place all ingredients in the blender. Blend for about 45 seconds.
That is it! All ready for your baby to enjoy.
Did you know this about turmeric?
This super spice is perhaps more beneficial than any other spice you know. It contains a potent anti-inflammatory agent – curcumin – which can improve immunity, prevent childhood cancers such as leukemia, as well as protect a child’s brain from harmful substances (e.g., heavy metals).
Turmeric improves focus and concentration when taken in the AM.
It promotes good quality sleep if taken in the PM.
Black pepper enhances the bioavailability of curcumin tenfold!
Wednesday Recipes
Good Morning Smoothie
1 small frozen banana
1 pear
1/2 cup organic kale or 1/2 tsp moringa powder
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Blend all your ingredients in a blender for 45 seconds. That is it!
Super Easy. Super Fast. Super Nutritious.
Did you know this about Moringa?
Moringa is a complete plant protein, like quinoa, spirulina, or meat. This superfood is very rich in iron, vitamin A, and is an excellent source of calcium. Additionally, it promotes brain and cardiovascular health while safeguarding the liver from damage and toxicity.
Adding the fact that it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, this smoothie is a great way to start your and your kiddo’s day. Greens for breakfast promise an energetic start to your beautiful day.
Natural Veggie Stock
1 carrot
1 celery
1 garlic
1/4 small onion
2 flat leaves of Italian parsley
4 cups water
Place all your ingredients in a sauce pan (with the 4 cups of water). Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 30 minutes.
Strain the stock into a container with a lid once the stock is at room temperature.
You can refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months.
For the red version add following ingredients: 1 tomato and 1 tsp of paprika powder.
Did you know that homemade stock is a great way to add vitamins and minerals to your baby’s meals without all the sodium?
You can also blend all the stock veggies and use as meal addition.
Quick and Easy Protein Food
1 tsp tahini
1/3 cup cooked black beans
1/2 tsp nutritional yeast
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and your super rich protein meal is ready to go.
theiDid you know this about nutritional yeast?
Nutritional yeast, also known as brewer’s yeast, comes in powder, flakes, or granules.
It is grown from fungi, and is actually an inactive form of yeast. It is not the same as bakers yeast, so it cannot be used for baking.
Nutritional yeast is amazing source of B vitamins, especially B6 and B12 (the last one is very important supplement in the vegetarian and vegan diet).
Nutritional yeast has antiviral and antibacterial properties!
Combined with black beans, this super meal will bring your baby protein and vitamins while protecting from illness and supporting their immune system.
Powerful Green Milk
1/4 small avocado
1/4 cup spinach (organic)
1/2 small apple (organic)
1 date
1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 cup coconut milk (or hemp milk)
1 tsp hemp hearts
Place all your ingredients in the blender.
Blend for a 45 seconds, and it is ready to enjoy right away.
Remember, it is always important to eat foods high in fiber. For example, pairing dates with foods rich in iron like spinach can be a nutritious choice.
Did you know this about hemp harts?
Hemp hart seeds are a great protein source for your baby, rich in iron, fiber, omega fatty acid, and antioxidants.
Combining avocado, spinach, and hemp milk, this super milk provides essential nutrients like healthy fats, fiber, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, promoting your baby’s growth and overall health.
Thursday Recipes
Good Digestion Raw Puree
2 Persimmon
2 Tbsp Papaya cubes
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil (or coconut oil)
Peel the persimmon and dice it. Add papaya dices.
Blend the ingredients or simply smash them with a fork until they form a puree. Then, add your oil. That is it – fresh ready to serve!
Did you know this about Persimmon?
Persimmons are a fantastic source of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and soluble fiber. These nutrients are especially beneficial for babies, particularly if they experience constipation.
By adding papaya, which is rich in natural digestive enzymes, you can enhance the absorption of these wonderful nutrients and promote better bowel movements.
Easy and Delicious Puree
1/2 cup cooked chickpeas
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 banana
1/2 tsp kelp powder
Soak chickpeas overnight ( or for 6-8 hrs) to activate their enzymes
Boil them in water until cooked- soft. (you can also use already cooked chickpeas)
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and blend with hand blender or food processor
Did you know this about kelp powder?
Kelp is a seaweed and it is natural source of iodine and calcium.
Living far away from the sea can result in iodine deficiency. However, incorporating kelp into your baby’s diet is a natural way to ensure they receive sufficient iodine intake.
Kelp has anti inflammatory properties, stabilizes the immune system, helps with bone strength and development, especially for thyroid health (parents should be cautious and avoid taking kelp themselves if they suffer from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).
Cauliflower Soup with Vegan Cheese
1/2 cup of cauliflower
1/2 cup natural veggie stock
1 Tbsp of nutritional yeast
5 cashews activated (soaked)
1 tsp flaxseed oil
Place the cauliflower and the veggie stock in a pot. Boil them for about 5 minutes. Add cashews and boil for 1-2 more minutes. In a blender, blend all the ingredients together and add the nutritional yeast.
Did you know this about flaxseed oil?
Cold-pressed flaxseed oil contains all the beneficial ingredients found in flax seeds in a highly digestible form.
Flaxseed has large amount of Omega 3 fats and also has anti-inflammatory properties.
You must keep flaxseed oil refrigerated or frozen.
D.elicious Sweet Juice
1 pear (preferably organic)
1 apple (preferably organic)
2 carrots (preferably organic)
tiny bit of turmeric root, fresh
tiny bit of ginger root, fresh
Wash and disinfect all the ingredients using a mixture of water and white vinegar. Then, place them in a juicer and make fresh juice for your baby. Don’t forget to keep the pulp! You can mix it with quinoa flakes or gluten-free oats, add a pinch of cinnamon, and use it as a super snack.
Did you know this about Ginger?
Gingerol is main active ingredient in ginger and it has many medicinal properties.
In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger also aids in digestion, relieves nausea and muscle aches, inhibits bacterial growth (acting as an antibacterial agent, protecting against teeth cavities and gingivitis), and exhibits antiviral activity against viruses like RSV and the common cold virus, among others.
It has mildly bitter taste so use it sparingly when you start introducing it to your baby’s diet.
Friday Recipes
Pear Ginger Pudding
1/4 cup plain goat kefir
1/4 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 cup pear puree
1 tsp chia seeds
1/4 tsp ground ginger or ground cinnamon
In a medium bowl, stir together yogurt, ground oatmeal, 1/2 cup of pear puree, and ginger or cinnamon. Spoon into a 2-cup container or a jar with a lid.
Cover and refrigerate overnight (or up to 2 days). Oatmeal is ready to eat cold the next morning.
You can add your baby’s favorite milk to thin the oatmeal.
This breakfast is perfect for busy days or when you are on the go, because it is all ready in your fridge.
Did you know this about goat milk kefir?
Goat milk kefir is carefully cultured with more than 10 live active cultures, making it an excellent source of calcium and protein. Additionally, it is gentle on the digestive system since it lacks cow’s milk protein, which can cause issues like eczema, anemia, and constipation.
Vegetarian Cheese
1/2 cup Left over pulp from sesame milk
1 large garlic clove
1/2 tsp ground parsley
1 tsp natural lemon juice
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp nutritional yeast
Place all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix them with a hand blender until they form a homogenous mass. Refrigerate for at least 5 hours to intensify the flavor. You can mix this vegetarian cheese with beans or cereal to create a delicious complete meal. Additionally, your baby can dip cucumber, soft-cooked carrots, or their cute little fingers in it.
Did you know this about sesame cheese?
Sesame cheese is an ideal intestinal regulator due to its high fiber content
Due to its high iron and calcium content, it also improves your baby’s health and prevents anemia.
This little sesame seed is so rich in trace minerals like manganese (blood sugar regulation, immune system support) , copper (bone, nerve, skin and joint health), phosphorus (cell growth, blood clotting function), and zinc (immune health, stress resilience).
Broccoli Goat Cheese Muffins
3 eggs
2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp coconut milk
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
3 tsp sifted coconut flour
3/4 cup broccoli, finely chopped
3/4 cup sharp goat cheese, shredded
Blend together eggs, coconut oil, coconut milk, onion powder, and garlic powder. Whisk in the coconut flour until there are no lumps remaining. Fold in broccoli and 1/2 cup of cheese. Fill muffin cups greased with coconut oil. Sprinkle tops of muffins with the remaining 1/4 cup of cheese. Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes..
Did you know this about garlic?
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that protects against digestive problems, heart disease, and cancer. It has been used as an herb and medicine for thousands of years. Allicin is the main compound responsible for garlic’s distinctive smell, but it is also responsible for many medicinal properties.
Daily garlic consumption reduced the number of colds by 63% compared to the placebo group, and it reduced the length of cold symptoms by 70%, from 5 days in the placebo group to 1.5 days in the garlic group.
Sesame Milk
4 Tbsp white sesame seed
3 cups (800ml) purified water
1 soaked date
Activate the sesame seeds by soaking them in water for 4 hours (preferably overnight), then toss the soaking water and rinse thoroughly.
Blend sesame seeds and dates with half of your water for 1 minute, then keep adding the rest of the water until the desired consistency is reached.
Strain this mixture using a nut milk bag (or silk stocking) and store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
Preferably use your sesame milk within two days and shake before drinking.
Did you know this about sesame seeds?
Sesame milk is an excellent source of calcium, with a higher content than cow’s milk. It is an ideal supplement for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as for anyone looking for an alternative to cow’s milk.
It helps with teeth and bone development of your loved little ones.
Saturday Recipes
Iron Juice
1/3 cup fresh beets
1/2 cup spinach (preferable organic)
1 orange
1 carrot
Wash and disinfect all your ingredients (you may use a water and white vinegar solution). Peel your orange and place spinach, beets, orange, and carrot in a juicer. Juice them and serve fresh.
You may also serve it by spoon to prevent cavities. Additionally, you can add a few drops of clove oil for additional dental caries prevention.
Did you know you need vitamin C to absorb Iron?
Iron is hard to absorb. The enhancement of iron absorption from vegetable meals is directly proportional to the quantity of ascorbic acid ( aka vit C ) present.
This iron-rich juice provides your baby with an excellent source of iron from beets and spinach, as well as vitamin C from oranges and vitamin A from carrots.
Juice Pulp Cookies
1 cup of pulp (pulp is what is left in juicer after juicing – use delicious sweet juice recipe)
1/2 cup dates (soaked for about 2 hours)
1 cup cooked white beans
1/2 cup organic shredded coconut (unsweetened)
2 tsp of avocado oil
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and blend with hand blender until they are mixed together.
Make your cookies the size and shape you prefer, then place them on an oiled pan (or use non bleached parchment paper).
Bake for about 50 minutes at low heat (275 – 300 F)
Did you know this about your juice pulp cookies?
They are rich in protein coming from beans and packed with valuable fruit fiber, which improves digestion and promotes regular bowel movements.
Low heat baking will not destroy vitamin C, so these cookies are also great to improve your baby’s immune system.
utBeets and Purple Potato
1 bunch baby beets (about 1/2 lb, trimmed and scrubbed)
1 purple sweet potato, scrubbed
1 tsp olive oil
Preheat oven to 375 F.
Place your purple sweet potatoes and beets in a small baking dish, and bake in the oven until they are very tender (50-60 minutes).
After baking, peel the beets and purple sweet potatoes, cut them into chunks, and discard the skins. Then, puree the beets and purple sweet potatoes in a blender, adding 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil.
Transfer into a separate bowl and serve.
Did you know this about Purple Sweet Potato?
It is an excellent source of copper, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber. Additionally, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and possesses significant antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Paired with beets, this meal becomes a real iron and vitamin bomb. Its sweet, yummy, and somewhat earthy taste, along with the amazing purple color, makes this bowl of goodness stimulating to your baby’s eyes and digestive system.
Juice with no Juicer
1/2 cup purified water
or 1/2 cup coconut water
6 drops chlorophyll concentrate
Super easy! Just pour it in a cup or bottle and stir a bit.
Did you know this about Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is extracted plant blood. It helps oxygenize your red blood cells and provides iron to your body tissues. Also it encourages you body to get rid of toxins as well as improving sleep.
Chlorophyll is very helpful for breastfeeding moms – balances hormones and helps with milk production.
Sunday Recipes
Good Morning Cereal
1/2 cup (4oz) cooked Amaranth (follow Quinoa recipe)
1/2 cup mashed papaya
1/2 tsp ground flax seed
may add cinnamon for flavor
Cook your amaranth.
Mix all ingredients together.
Serve cold.
Did you know this about papaya?
Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down protein and aids digestion (improving indigestion). It is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene.
Papaya is also high in insoluble fiber, which is important for normal bowel function.
Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months. Breastmilk or coconut milk are a great option instead of milk to thin the cereal if needed.
Baby Protein Balls
4 Tbsp ground popped amaranth
1/2 cup baked Japanese sweet potato
1 Tbsp tahini butter
2 Tbsp grated coconut (unsweetened)
Bake the Japanese sweet potato at 450 F (200C) for 40 minutes. Once it’s fully cooked, allow it to cool down, and then remove the skin.
Use fork to smash the sweet potato, and mix in the rest of the ingredients.
Knead the mixture until it forms a dough-like mass, and then shape it into big balls of a size that is easy for your baby to grasp.
To save time, bake other vegetables together with the sweet potato (e.g., carrots, beets, or butternut squash) so they are ready for other recipes.
Did you know this about Amaranth?
The protein in amaranth is more digestible than other seeds and grains, and it has been compared to the digestibility of milk protein. It also contains a good amount of lysine, which helps the body absorb calcium, build muscle, and produce energy.
To pop it: same as popcorn- place in heated pot, cover with lid and shake until it pops.
Butternut Squash
1 butternut squash
pinch cinnamon
Cut squash into chunks (with skin)
Steam until tender.
After steaming, scrape the squash meat from the skin and mash or puree it using a blender or food processor.
You may also add a pinch of cinnamon.
Instead of butternut squash , you may use sweet potato, carrots, beets etc.
Did you know this about the butternut squash?
Butternut squash is one of the best sources of health-boosting carotenes, which can improve skin quality. It is also rich in essential minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium, which help strengthen your baby’s bones.
Squash seeds are also packed with nutrients.
To prepare them, wash them thoroughly and dry, either naturally or spread on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with olive oil and roast for 5 minutes at a low temperature.
They make a very nutritious snack. For babies, you may need to blend them for easier consumption.
Coconut Milk
1/2 cup grated coconut (natural without sugar)
3 cups (800ml) purified water
1 date to sweeten (optional)
Soak the coconut for 20 minutes
To make coconut milk, blend the shredded coconut with 2 cups of water for 1 minute. Then, slowly add the rest of your water until the desired consistency is achieved. Strain the coconut milk using a nut milk bag or silk stocking. You may also add dates and blend once more for added sweetness.
Preferably drink within two days and shake before drinking
Did you know this about Coconut?
It is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for improving the development of bones, joints, and muscles. It is an ideal nutrition for a growing child.
Superfoods For Your Pantry
Almond butter
Avocado Oil
Chia seeds
Clove Oil
Chick Peas
Coconut Oil
Dates (Medjool)
Flax Seeds
Flax Seed Oil
Kelp Powder
Nutritional Yeast
Oats (steel cut GF)
Olive oil
Salmon (BPA free, wild caught)
Sesame Seeds
Turmeric Powder
Vanila (madagascar)